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Excursions in the area

Museums and galleries in Lübbenau

Freilandmuseum Lehde

outdoor museum


opening hours

Opening hours (April-October)

01.04. - 15.09. 10am-6pm

09/16 - 31.10. 10am-5pm

Haus für Mensch und Kultur

house for human


and nature

opening hours

April to October from Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m

November to March from Tuesday to Friday 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m

Haus für Mensch und Kultur in Lübbenau

Sprewald Museum


opening hours

April - October Tuesday - Sunday 10am - 6pm

November - March Tuesday - Sunday 12pm - 4pm

Gallery Utaciani


Museums and churches in the Spreewald (selection)

leisure and culture

Adventure playground in the old town of Lübbenau (near the market on Poststraße)

Boat rental Franke

Colorful stage in Lübbenau

cabaret stage

Babben brewery

smallest brewery in the state of Brandenburg

Visitor mine F60

Bike rental Metzdorf

Bike rental Goyn

Company Rabe

Company tour (1.5-2 hours) at the canning company "SpreewaldRabe" in Boblitz on request and prior notification

Bowling alley flagship Lübbenau

Spreeweltenbad Lübbenau

SpreewaldTherme Burg

Tropical Islands

Sports Park Lübben

Climbing Forest Lübben

Horse farm Noack

Kremser rides around Lübbenau

Spreeau Park Cottbus

Zoo Cottbus

Park railway Cottbus

State Theater Cottbus


movie theater

Spreewald Kahnfährmann Wendland

address port

Boat trips Wendland

Port at Holzgraben


03222 Lübbenau/Spreewald


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